did this just happen …i was at 98% of my 1st payout on hiveon …which is 0.1 eth and it just changed to minimum of 0.2 payout …so i guess Hive can change the payout at anytime with no notice or heads up we are about to screw you over …i should have moved pools month ago
Edit: Dont worry…this doesn’t impact your mined ETH. HIVE raised the minimum payout to 0.2 if they pay for the fees. they added 2 more options
Polygon network payout : which you can get paid using Polygon network and WETH
You PAY TX FEE: which you will pay for TX fees for anything less that 0.2 payout
in the end its a business and they are trying to save money and make more money by holding on the ETH longer.
i personally moved to https://www.ethermine.org to get paid faster