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Hiveon business portal?

I’m guessing this goes here…

So I’m a tiny miner and setting up hiveon for the first time. Been using hiveos for a while (until nicehash refused my kyc docs and stole everything…but I digress…)

It was late at night and I clicked on the “manage account” and there’s a section on “distribution”


select a coin and it pops up another box with payout settings (where you set threshold and a withdraw to address.

But how does that interact with the settings I use in hiveos? Do I need to set my address up in both hiveon AND hiveos? Or just one of them? Or does it not even matter?

I also couldn’t delete the address I entered. I can change it, but not delete it.

Is this a case of “yeah, just delete my account and start over”?

Thanks in advance.

That is your pool account settings, when mining to hiveon pools if you use an account to mine to instead of a wallet address, this is where you manage that.

Thanks Keaton.

So if I understand this right, I can “connect” (for lack of a better word) to the pool in 1 of 2 ways. And just because I have a “mining account” set up with the pool I’m not locked into that.

Instead I can just set up HiveOS the way I basically always have just with my wallets and the pool selected (on the flight sheet). And when I do that, my payouts go directly into my wallet.

But if I “connect” through the “hiveon account” then the payouts are effectively held until they reach a certain threshold.

Am I understanding this correctly?

It just depends whether you use hiveon pool or some other pool. The pro to mining to an account is you are able to change the wallet to withdraw to without having to start from scratch to reach the withdraw threshold. Most asic focused pools will have the account style setup.

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Got it. Thanks again for the help.