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Hive update to 0.6-214 mess up amd cards

hive makes it easy to fill in pre configured boxes TRM:


Right i know what you are sayng. But i am using this pool for ton and few days ago the miners was submiting shared but they changed the stratun. and when i was enquiry over telegram they told me to do this settings.

Funny thing. On lol miner i can see he have predefined commands like : Deviced Nvidia or Devices(folowed by a number to specify). the easiest one will be Devices Nvidia…but he uis tryngto oposite…lol

Managed to make lolminer work , but on TRM i cant start the ton

Hey Keaton can you share configuration for the ton pool? (what url are u using)

im using the same pool, just placed it in the pool address section to simplify things, let the features hive offers make things easier

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for TRM and i am using exactly your settings in the miner apart that i am on EU. Lol miner worked

Trm needs the port as well

And where to find that? I mean is same like yours? 443?

You’re using the same pool right? Port should be the same.

Keaton love you forever :slight_smile:

Now i have like 600 mh less on TON , but i will call it a win as i am pulling almost 200w less from the wall and lest temps on the amd cards. I am pretty sure the MSI can do much better but i will try it in another day as i have like 3 h from when i try this and i got bored :slight_smile:

Good stuff. Also, a recommendation for the nvidia card, don’t use a power limit, and instead, use the core clock to limit power draw to where you want it to be. Running a high core clock and a power limit that ends up making the card throttle itself is counterintuitive.

I also downgraded as 214 messed up my 2 Vega rigs and my 6800 rig…
Something is definitely wrong with this “upgrade”.

It is different my friend. Required some tweaks to the 68xx series rigs I updated as well. Have not and will not touch my Vega rigs until this is out for a month or so.

Net: I don’t think is it broke, but the overclocking settings appear to be getting applied differently. Most of my GPUs are reporting less power consumed post update.

I am having issues will all updates starting from 0.6-214@220331 on my AMD rig. Miners will not detect two of my cards (RX6800 and RX6800 XT both Powercolor). Everything is fine on prior versions.

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