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Hive server not working

i have 2 rig and today 2rig not working
i power off and on 2 rig is working 15m
after 15min offline and not working
any time turn off and turn on just working 15 min
please help me for fix it

Post a screenshot of your worker overview screens.

Did you reflash the latest stable image and set conservative ocs to test? If not, start there.

i try to update hive to lates version but can not
this message selfupgrade --force && sreboot after 2 min is hide
when i click update corner hiveos see this message Couldn’t load data. Please try to reload page

this picture for after 15min and not working rig

You’re on an old image/kernel. Reflash the latest stable image and try again. If you aren’t able to use shellinabox or hive shell download and flash via balena/Rufus on your pc

i reflash lates stable hiveos on another usb flash
but not working
with old usb flash 15min working with new flash with lates stable hiveos not working

What’s it doing?

hiveos find 5gpu and start miner but gpu fan is stop and no go to mining

Did it update to the latest version? Did the miner finish installing? Can you post a screenshot of your issue(s)?

Also, your 3080 clocks aren’t great. Better to use a locked core clock around 1080mhz with no power limit.

no update to lates version
i send you screenshot no have any
3080 with this clocks working 2 month
is possible i used vpn and my problem solved ?
i not know why no error message

The screenshots you sent are not from the latest stable image. Download and flash the latest stable image before doing anything else

i try to update lates version but no update
you have link lates stable image for download ?
i check all command not working
go to command but after 2 min is erase

Download and flash the latest stable from here

hi i have same problem here i installed the latest stable hiveos and i conected the monitor i found that api in not conecting i tryed change the api server and run net-test but all of servers are down only dns and gateway is working fine

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