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Hive OS flashing utility: no other disk found

Hey fellow miners! Went to turn my rigs back on Last week, and one of the two was giving me trouble. Long story short, I found out the flash drive I was running off of died. Went out and bought a couple of new 32g replacements, and started the process all over again, after deleting the old workers from my farm. I figured it easier to start fresh, since I’m unable to just copy everything over from the dead flash drive.

I’m familiar with the process of adding a worker. I had 4 rigs at one point, so I like to think I know what I’m doing, but when I get to the screen where I’d type in the rig ID and password in the Flashing utility, it just reads “no other disk found”. It reads my flash drive just fine. I tried re-doing the process a few times now, on both flash drives, thinking maybe something went wrong in the etching process, but I’m 4 hours into trouble shooting, and I can’t figure it out.

Anyone got any ideas?

Looks like you are flashing the flashing utility instead of hiveos itself?

If you have balena etcher there isnt a need for the flashing utility, unless i misunderstood your setup

Thanks for your reply. You were right. Not sure why I thought I needed the etch the flasher utility, and not the hive image. Just going to chalk it up to a long stressful work week. It’s up and running now. Thank you so much for your help!

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