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Hive Deploy OS Pxe Unknown error

Following the guide.
How to deploy hundreds of rigs (

Changing one part of the installation script:

export [email protected]

Since [email protected] is no more…
To the most update link:

a fresh download of the code

Doesn’t run. per the guide the login should be admin admin

I get the web page but first run doesn’t run and i’m presented with a unknown error api token…
used default mysql, which installed mysql 8. I can connect to the mysql and confirm the sql file in the zip did run…

in the api folder web.config I see the db secret called but not filled in.

I’m unable to login to the web asp net application form deploy.

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So i was able to fix this and get this working…

step 1
install ubuntu 16 LTS

in the install step you will get to a point where you can install other server services
install the LAMP when prompted for the MySQL password leave it blank for all mysql…

I also installed openssh sever at this step as well.

Finish the ubuntu 16 install
Login and become root:
sudo su

Update and install all packages before proceeding.

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Your updates may vary install help back items (so that the next updates is the distro upgrade. STAY ON 16 FOR NOW!
#apt-get install apt apt-utils base-files dpkg libapt-pkg5.0 linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic python3-software-properties software-properties-common ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-server update-notifier-common

Pre Install mono Apache dependents and other optional software:
*As if you installed the LAMP stack you should now have a working and running apache web server.

apt-get install mono-apache-server4 libapache2-mod-mono libmono-i18n4.0-all mc nano vim
sudo apt-get install mono-xsp4-base
sudo apt-get install apache2 mono-xsp4 mono-complete mono-apache-server4 libapache2-mod-mono mono-reference-assemblies-4.0

#enable mono Apache: as clone deploy is an 2 website system…
sudo a2enmod mod_mono

I prefer web server showing files so if i got to the machine Ip i should now see a web server.
Clean up apache:
rm /var/www/html/index.html

so now when i hit my ip i should see a folder structure to move in…

reboot. I decided to run this on unraid in a VM
so a quick backup/snapshot…

  • router mas static assign Ip address.
    *so now my system is at ip 192.168.x.x

Now follow the guide:
… link posted above

apt update && apt install wget zip unzip -y

cd /opt && wget … link to && unzip && cd cd_package

now lets fix the clone deploy image in the script
nano ./

At the top fix the file to say:

as that image is not longer in the hive downloads…
this appears to be the correct replacement…

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

should say 0 …

we are now ready to install the hive deploy os web page systems
*i used putty and ssh into the system and ran the installer:

sudo su
cd /opt/cd_package
./ -f

hive install Ubuntu script will now correctly add the mono rep and update and install the asp net mono files and configurations…
when you see
“enabling site clonedeploy-image”
you need to run
service apace2 reload.

start another ssh session as we may need to fix some small thins.
in that session

sudo su
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -n
service apache2 reload

Leave THIS WINDOWS OPEN we will come back to it latter
go back to the other ssh session it should be asking you use custom DB connections
type no
as mysql version 5 is already installed and the root/admin access password is blank.
*this will then per the guide setup mysql and successfully create the database and its content.

Continue following the guide until you get to download and install HiveOS image
if you made the script edit hit yes
if you did not hit no and no as we can call the image latter…

You will be prompted to reboot hit no
close the window as we are down with that ssh session that ran the hive install Ubuntu script

in the other open ssh windows…

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y

at this time you have successfully installed hive deployed os web server.

Unknown if a distro upgrade will break anything…
yeah! Snapshots and testing…

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ubuntu lts 16 is fine atm.

issue is now with stable clonedeploy image.

root@pxe-clonedeploy:/opt/cd_package# ./ -i
Updating hiveos image
HiveOS archive was not found in /tmp
Do you want to use your own image (provide url or path mannualy)? y|n. Default: no, use stable image instead
Version: 1.1
Downloading image file
–2024-08-16 14:57:36--
Resolving (…,,, …
Connecting to (||:443… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 1730614591 (1.6G) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘/tmp/’

hiveos-stable-clone 100%[===================>] 1.61G 5.74MB/s in 4m 41s

2024-08-16 15:02:18 (5.86 MB/s) - ‘/tmp/’ saved [1730614591/1730614591]

Unpacking archive
Archive: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/hiveos/
creating: /tmp/hiveos/hd0/
inflating: /tmp/hiveos/hd0/part4.extfs.lz4
inflating: /tmp/hiveos/hd0/part1.ntfs.lz4
inflating: /tmp/hiveos/hd0/part2.imager.lz4
inflating: /tmp/hiveos/hd0/table
inflating: /tmp/hiveos/hd0/part3.fat.lz4
inflating: /tmp/hiveos/schema
Hive OS image ready!
losetup: /tmp/hiveos-stable-clonedeploy-image: failed to set up loop device: No such file or directory
Warning: Unable to open /dev/sr0 read-write (Read-only file system). /dev/sr0 has been opened read-only.
Warning: Unable to open /dev/sr0 read-write (Read-only file system). /dev/sr0 has been opened read-only.
Warning: Unable to open /dev/sr0 read-write (Read-only file system). /dev/sr0 has been opened read-only.
./ line 357: --data: command not found
Moving /tmp/hiveos to /cd_dp/images/hiveos
All done
Image extracted

I have a working pxe via unifi undm pro next boot set to clonedploy ip and filename default.ipxe

In the guide
I did have to go to
Admin Settings > Distrubution Point > click “View” next to Local_Default

and set the read Only PW and write PW for pxe folwoing the guide.
ATM i’m trying to figure out how to fix the boot image as i have quite a few inteall 13 GB nvme
pxe deply sees the nvme drive but wont’ partition nor update to install.

hoping to see more and better guidance on this from hive. very little to no documentation.
when i want to set a Custum PC name to 60 + machines all running the same hardware to be controlled and use the same miner and data in the hive farm…

Disappointed in Hiveon and there lack of documentation and maintains files…
especial with the recent change to the farms and pricing…

its 2024 and we are on ubuntu 24 LTS … Its time for a refresh.

Looking into these as other testing and errors, I think it be seamless and easeir to setup a standard pxe server / tfpt server with ipxe and boot a windows PE image connected to a smb share with some scripts.

Scrip 1 flash hive os image to HD. rufus / etcher…
script 2 edit fat partion of rig conf to have hostname (incremental per a file on smb)… and set farm hash etc…

… some weird nes of “reinventing the wheel” to deploy the same thing 60 + times…

after testing yes moving off ubuntu 16 lts breks mono and apache net. so stuck on lts 16 until Hiveon updates there stuff…

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so pxe work

boot to default.ipxe

but deploy stem broken some where with partition and selecting a disk drive.

clone deply is dead look into hive diskless boot…

From a broken aspnet and ubuntue/debain no longer maining some files, it is not worth while to use hive deploy.

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