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High invalid rates on VEGA 56 and RX 480

I’m having a very high ratio of invalids and those 2 cards, I tried some small modifications, like increasing wattage, or slowing memory clock, but no luck…

Any proposal?

Here are my settings:


480 test:

  • Lower core to 1100 and mem to 2000
  • Not shared in your post but should be running REF 20 vs 30 for Samsung

Hi, yes REF is 30. With your settings the 480 seems not having more invalids (running for 30 minutes already)

Your 480 should be amdmemtweak --REF 20. (Samsung Memory)

The 580 should be fine with amdmemtweak --REF30. (Hynix/Micron)

ok, thanks!
any suggestion for the vega?

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