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Help: Problem with one RX 6600 XT Card after Setting wrong OC‘s

Hi Guys,

i have many RX 6600 XT‘s running and i tried to test some OC Settings on one of the Cards, but the
OC Settings was wrong and System gots instable, after reboot whole system this one card is hashing low and i cant set OC Settings on this card since it gets instable again and whole System crashes.

Does anybody has an idea?

The related card which has the addopted problem, runs only with standard OCs with 28.64 MH/s at 60 W, as soon as i set special OCs for the related card, the Hash falls slowly down under 20 MH/s.

Did i damage the card? This card was 3 days old, quasi new. Should I send these back?

Best Regards

Try one card at a time and see if everything works as intended

I tried many things, but other cards are ok, this ones is also ok in general, standard settings and card has no issues but if i Set OCs then the issue occurs and Hashrate is falling or system crashes.

However this morning i tried same OC Settings like yesterday evening and the Hashrate is going up! :slight_smile:

Dont understand this effect but it looks good now! The one Card does Hash higher then yesterday but not 32 MH/s.

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