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Heavily underperforming card (RX580)

Hey guys!

This is my first rig which has been live for a week now. I’ve already learnt so much viewing this community I already feel the need to say thank you but this is my first post here.

So I’ve still got a bit to do with it’s efficiency but you can see my immediate problem is one of the 580’s is well down. It actually started at about 17mh. It’s only been through hours of trial and error with oc that I got it up to 21.

Other data that I picked up on is when I started using NBMiner, I noticed it was telling me the MUtl is 77%, all other cards are 100%. I’ve done research into what this is but can’t find anything on how to influence it or raise it, not in AMD cards anyway.

Double checked all my connections. Tried the problem card in the rig by itself. No change

I’ve been at it for hours now and I’m at a point all I’m doing is rebooting and creating down time without making any progress with it. But I’m all ears to anything you think I should try or let me know if you want anymore info.

Thanks !

i have seen the same card with the same bios do 20mhs . i dont know why. you cant put higher OCs right? like 1150 core clock and 2150 mem clock?
i am not sure if its dead or its a matter of the bios. you could test to flash from GPU1 that is the same card with same memory but different bios. just back up the stock bios from this card .
very strange problem.

I’ve tried a number of combinations of OCs, it just goes down to about 16-18mh, occasionally I can get it back up to where I currently have it (21mh) with a different setting but never more than that.

I bought both of the RX580’s 2nd hand. The one that works well came out another mining rig. The low performer had never been mined with. Since I made this post, I’ve been schooling up on BIOS modding. Seems to state that a correctly BIOS modded 580 should produce another 10mh, which is about what it looks like I’m missing out on looking at the other one I have.

Flashing a GPU is another thing I’m gonna need to learn how to do I guess. I’m open to your thoughts but my plan when I get in from work is to attempt the BIOS mod on the GPU but if that doesn’t work and I dont screw up the card then I’ll attempt to flash it as you’ve suggested. Will let you know how I go.

you have to download Polaris bios editor on your PC. i am currently using version 1.7.4
then from HiveOS overclock tab , there is an option to download the bios of a GPU.
Select the one in question and send the command. after a little while the command will appear there and click on it to save the file. Make a back up of that file since it should be the original bios.
Then open it with polaris bios editor and click one click mod button.
hit yes yes and save it with different name.
the from the OC tab in hiveOS flash it back to the same GPU, you might need to tick the option force flash to ignore any security issues. ( stop miners when flashing. GPU should be idle)
after flashing is done reboot.
let me know how it goes once you do it.

It’s now performing better than the other one!

Hey thanks so much for your helped. When I started reading about modding, I felt like I was onto the right thing but your post really had me confident on the way home I was finally gonna get this fixed… plus your instructions on what to do were way simpler than what I was reading lol.

Thanks again

by the way you can test with lowering a bit the core voltage . i think your cards can run with 875 core voltage without a problem while keeping the core clock at 1150. my card is with 1180 core clock currently and is running with 865 core voltage.
this way you will save some watts and some heat.

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