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Hashrate disparity

130mh on hiveos… 80mh on unmineable… Carried out check and research… Can’t seem to find where 50mh has gone… Anyone else with this problem???

Any stale or invalid shares? How long of a windows are you looking at? 24hr average?

Good afternoon Mr keaton… Fellow miner… Thanks for your reply… I am on hiveos… No stale shares… Constantly carrying out the latest software upgrades… Overclocking is modest… No shut downs and reboot… Mining indicator bars are dead smooth and continuous… Hmmmm…using hauxecheng motherboard with 1660 @4 and 1@2060… 5 card rig… I’m a beginner and loving the experience and now looking forward to upgrading to asics… But would like to know more details about this problem… Actually this happened after a software update…

Can you post some screenshots? Miner log, overview page showing kernel/drivers/cards and flight sheet config