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H110 Pro BTC+ vs Asus B250 Mining Expert

Hello all,
Can you get 12 or even the full 13 GPUs working stable on the H110 Pro BTC+ motherboard? I know you can get up to 12 it looks like on the Asus B250. Which motherboard would be easier to manage?

thank you!

Yes it succesefully worked

Hi… on the Asrock H110 proBTC… you need to update to the latest Bios to work?

it worked at stok bios, but in the 1.60 bios was include PCIe Slot Detection in BIOS Setup, thats is very helpfull

добрый день. начал использовать h110 pro btc с картами 1080ti. установлен процессор Celeron. заметил, что на монетах с использованием памяти проблем нет, а с монетами использующих ядро - рига отваливается. например rvn. через минуту работы, карты отключаются. или например grin. начиная с версии bminer 15.2 спролшные реджекты и меньший хешрейт. думаю, что проблема в слабом процессоре. или проблема в настройках материнской платы или в ее прошивке

good day. I started using h110 pro btc with 1080ti cards. Celeron processor installed. I noticed that there are no problems on coins with the use of memory, and with the coins using the core, the rig falls off. for example rvn. after a minute of work, the cards are turned off. or for example grin. Starting with bminer 15.2, sproll redgets and smaller hashrate. I think that the problem is in a weak processor. or a problem in the settings of the motherboard or in its firmware

good day. I started using h110 pro btc with 1080ti cards. Celeron processor installed. I noticed that there are no problems on coins with the use of memory, and with the coins using the core, the rig falls off. for example rvn. after a minute of work, the cards are turned off. or for example grin. Starting with bminer 15.2, sproll redgets and smaller hashrate. I think that the problem is in a weak processor. or a problem in the settings of the motherboard or in its firmware