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Guide to update amd drivers

same problem for me :sweat_smile::joy:
only the CPU that mine

anyone here update to driver 20.50?

not sure which one is the correct for hiveos

there was a typo in my commands…use the corrected one which deliveres a result that you can delete.
if you got a result and deleted the packages correctly, then I dont how to fix that kernel error :frowning:

The easy way I see. 1st: Copy your rig conf from usb. 2nd: reflash your usb stick or hdd or ssd using etcher with a new downloaded image. 3rd: copy your backed up rig.conf to the new os root.

In the latest build some dll from 20.50 driver, as told me support…

What? Sounds like nonsense - there is no libs from 20.50. Hive updates doesn’t contain drivers updates

Would someone be able to create a video guide doing this? OR give a bit more detail on how to configure this install? It’s not an auto installer like GitHub - CryptoLuigi/AMD_Installer: Script for the easy installation of AMD Drivers on HiveOS/Ubuntu based OS, so I am lost on what to do after entering “amdgpu-pro-uninstall”.

Also, I cannot remove the directories as instructed.
Trying here, just need a little clarity.