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GTX 4070 displays as Malfunction

I’m on the latest stable version of Hive. Updated to the latest NVIDIA drivers. I tried the card on another rig with 4 GPU and got the same Malfunction. I switched it to it’s own rig and got the same error. I also tried another 4070 on a single card rig and I showed the same Malfunction. So I am having this problem with 2 cards that arrived today.

The GPU only have 1 8pin connection to power the card, and neither came with an adapter for more PCIe cables. The riser is powered and giving me a green light.

Anyone have any suggestions to try? I got both the GPU on Amazon from resellers. One box was not sealed in plastic on the outside but the packaging seemed complete otherwise.

does the gpu work? see if you are able to drive a display from it. no need to mess with drivers for a 4070.

I don’t get a display from either GPU.

I am thinking it could be an issue with my motherboard settings? This Mobo was last set up to mine eth with rx580s years ago. What do you think?

shouldnt matter. if you tested the same card with multiple pcs id imagine its an issue with the card itself, as long as the power cables are good

The power supplies work fine, I tested on 2 different ones.

Do they need to be pcie 5.0 power supplies?

They dont need to, but you need to use a 40 series power cable, as the previous 12vhpwr without sense pins will physically slot in but will not work

What is a 40 series power cable?

A power cable that came with or was designed to power a 40 series gpu

Neither GPU came with any sort of adapter and they both only have 8pin connections. Do I still need some sort of adapter?

Ah if your model is one of the 8 pin pcie instead of the 16 pin then you can ignore what i mentioned before.

Gotcha. I am going to try to update my motherboard bios and see if I make any progress.

Just seems weird to me that both GPU are acting the same way. Unless they are both just faulty, but the odds of that seem low.

Unlikely that will change anything but worth trying. Are you running the gpu directly in the top slot or using a riser?

Using a riser. You think I should try direct into the mobo?

yeah, always remove any variables you can

FIXED - updated my motherboard bios and changed a few settings and we are all good now

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