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GPU malfunction - 3080 rig of 6

I have 6 TUF 3080’s that have been running on a Asus Hero Maxiumus IX l for over a year. Intel Celerin, 8GB Ram.
Running the most recent Hiveos and Nvidia deiver. My client moved this rig to another room and started to get “Gou malfunction”.
I’ve been on site diagnosing. Each individual card works one at a time in the rig. With all 6, I cannot get it to get past the selection screen of Hiveos. With any 5 GPUs, I get 2 working and 3 with Gpu malfunction error.
I tried reflashing the Vbios, but no luck.

Are you running all the recommended motherboard/bios settings? Motherboard setup

I feel embarrassed, but that did it. I should have caught on when I noticed it wasn’t turning on after power restore.

Probably the best case scenario, glad to see you got it going.

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