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Gpu error code 15

anyone have some issued like this? my rigs can stable for 1day but after that always like this and after reboot the card lost in hiveos , before can show 6 gpu but after that only 5 shown, any1 can suggest to fix this?

Looks like you’re crashing the driver.

Are you on the latest stable image? Using the lowest locked core clock that maintains full hashrate?Lowering memory clocks after each crash?

alr using the stable version , for locked core clock its 1100 in 3080TI , also mem i alr try to set 0 but the result still same. if im on/off the psu and rebooting the rig normal again, but after 20-24hrs crashed again

Can you post a screenshot of your worker overview screen showing all versions/clocks/kernel/driver etc?

here the detail hope can help

Everything looks decent, could be a riser/cable causing issues. I would try switching cards around and seeing if the crashing follows a certain card, or slot, or riser or power cable etc.

yap i want try to switch riser and power supply and try to test if for a few day hope it works well

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