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Gpu driver error assistance

I get this error under “GPU DRIVER ERROR” quite frequently, and rig requires a manual power cycle afterwards: Apr 20 04:26:53 Rig_4293659 kernel: NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:08:00): 61, pid=1054, 0a97(2a54) 00000000 00000000

I don’t know what all information I should include to help you guys help me, so here is basically my whole rig screen:

BTC B250 OEM (5.12 12/16/2021)
2 × Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G3900 @ 2.80GHz AES
Disk Model
5.10.0-hiveos #83

3x 3080 (HP)
1x 2080 Super (Dell)
1x 2060 (ASUS)
1x 1070ti (EVGA)

I reflashed my ssd and ensured all connections were good (sometimes the risers are a lil wobbly and cause problems for me)

System was stable, has been doing this now for about two days.

reduce mem clock on the problem card and reboot, repeat until stable.

make sure youre on latest everything, hive image, hive version, nvidia drivers, miner version etc. and using locked core clocks for everything except the 10 series.

So you think its an OC issue if im up to date on everything?

could be anything really, but adjusting your oc is the easiest thing to do so you should try that first.

Been stable for 30 minutes now, thanks for your help, I’ve had plenty of OC errors before but never one like this. I’ll update if I have any more issues.


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