Hi there,
One of my new Radeon 580 8Gb cards is a Gigabyte that seems to accelerate up to 23mhs and then slow down sometimes all the way back to 0Mhs, it will then pulse back up to 23mhs usually (or just crash).
All my other cards usually hit the ground running at full speed, this will start from 0 - after a few mins reach 23Mhs and then slow back down to zero…then repeat…
I have removed all cards down to four, initially I thought it was PSU problem, but tried Gigabyte card on its own 1000W psu as a test - same problem.
I do have zombiemode set for a single 4gb card on pci-e 16x which gradually builds up to speed as it allocates memory - is this some how effecting the Gigabyte card? (system memory is total 8gb)
This card only seems to run at 23Mhs from stock - I havent bios modded, from reading on forums these Gigabyte cards seem to be troublesome at best?
Have been playing with OC settings for couple of hours, I left it running as is in the end - it now seems to be stable with settings above but it did ‘pulse’ for the first few mins.
What would cause this? has anyone had similar before with a card building up speed then dropping it back to zero in similar increments?
Thanks for any help