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Flashing newer 2022 model GTX 1660 Super with Palit or MSI

Hey guys,

i’m trying to flash my ASUS TUF GTX 1660 SUPER with Palit or MSI bios for max hashrate (37mh/s) but I cannot flash it with current palit bios versions because then it does not detect correct memory type. As far as I understand that’s because my card is a newer model and older Palit bios does not work correctly on it.

Does anyone got an original Palit GTX card made in this year and with possible Hynix memory? I would appreciate a BIOS backup from original Palit. I don’t even know if exists, maybe that’s the problem.

Here are my current OC’s for GTX 1660 super with original BIOS:

So, if anyone got an original Palit gtx 1660 super could you please dump original bios for me? And also please let me know what kind of memory your card have.

Thank you!

And here is the flashed card with PALIT bios and “undefined” memory error:

Also interested in this. 90.16.5A.00.32 bios have serious issues.

Im in the same boat.

GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER 6144 MB · MSI
Hynix GDDR6 · 90.16.5A.00.19

Is there an updated Palit version?

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