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Firepro W9100 stopped working after updating HiveOS and phoenixminer


I have two Firepro W9100 32Gb GPUs on a PC. I was using phoenixmiber 5.4c on HiveOS and it was working well. Recently, I started to get a message saying “unable to generate dag for epoch 502” and asking to update to latest version of Phoenix, so I downloaded the latest version of HiveOS with phoenixminer 6.2c. The latest version of HiveOS correctly identified the GPUs and showed them in the GPU list. However, phoenixminer 6.2c is giving the following error. How can I solve it?

No CUDA capable devices found
OpenCL driver version: 20.40-1147287
No available GPUs for mining. Please check your drivers and/or hardware

i dont believe the newest drivers support hawaii cards

Does it mean that the AMD drivers in HiveOS no longer support Hawaii cards? So the problem is not related phoenixminer, right? Is it possible change the AMD drivers in HiveOS?

You can use hive-replace --list In the shell to list some older versions and pick and try, that will downgrade the kernel/drivers.

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I switched to an older version of HiveOS by that command. It solved the problem. Thank you very much.

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