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Ubiq Coin hard fork… New algo ubqhash add pls?

Sure :smiley:

How can we mine pasc it’s now cpu only and supported by finminer but there’s no random hash algo in drop down thank you

How do I use Finminer only for CPU? it provides cpuThreads parameter. There is no way to enable / disable GPUs and CPUs

Randomhash, will be added soon. Now you can override algorithm in “Extra config arguments” field:
algorithm = randomhash

“Extra config arguments” field:
cputhreads = x
where x is the number of threads you want to use

Thanks, I realised that. Can I get finminer to use only CPU thread, without using the GPUs.

FinMiner does not use GPUs when you mine PASC

What about cryptonight?

Everything is fine with CryptoNight, we support in on AMD and Nvidia

And CPU too? Can it be mined with FinMiner on CPU only?

No, you can use CryptoNight (or Ethash) on GPUs and RandomHash on CPU
By the way, you have wrong ports indicated for PASC on nanopool in your pool list.

Thanks. I’ll check it.
By the way you can contribute to our git too. Pool templates are here, and integrations of FinMiner are here.

Thought I would give FinMiner a try… noticed an increase in stale shares immediately. Opened a ticket on github –

I switched from Claymore to PhoenixMiner when they came out with a Linux version. PhoenixMiner had the same issue (stale shares) because the miner didn’t recognize/was not tuned for the OpenCL driver version installed…

@nanominer, if you get this fixed, I intend on doing a side-by-side comparison with PhoenixMiner like I did with Claymore…

Hi, @salvo2002 thanks for this results.
I appreciate it very much.
We will check it and try to figure out the reason.

1 Like

What pool are supported by finminer I tried using MPH and it didn’t seem to connect also does finminer support pools with login name instead of eth add


v2.4.6 is out…

Less stale shares on AMD Ethash

Updated in HiveOS 0.6-06@181215.

PhoenixMiner 4.0b vs. FinMiner 2.4.6

Just over 24hrs of testing… PhoenixMiner on top with a margin of 206 more accepted shares.

  • Both running on Hiveon ETH pool
  • Each miner configured with 3 x RX570s 8Gb & 2 x RX580s 8Gb
  • Each miner set to autotune
  • HiveOS autofan control

-mport 3335
-rmode 1
-logfile /var/log/miner/phoenixminer/phoenixminer.log
-coin ETH
-gpus 12345

wallet = 0x
algorithm = ethash
rigPassword = x
pool1 =
pool2 =
pool3 =
pool4 =
mport = -3338
logPath = /var/log/miner/finminer/finminer.log
coin = ETH
rigName = cyrilRX10.finminer
devices = 5,6,7,8,9

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