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Failed to allocate buffer for DAG though device has enough memory

how to increase the size of system virtual memory using bigger swap file. ???
miner 8gpus: 6x rx580 8GB, 2x rx5700xt 8GB (these two working ok) rx580 getting error?
tryng mine firo. system has (8Gb ddr3 and 16GB USB stick, tested ssd 128Gb nothing changed.

2024-Jan-17 16:06:02: New job from | share difficulty = 4 GH, epoch 630 (6575 MB) 2024-Jan-17 16:06:23: GPU 7 failed to allocate buffer for DAG though device has enough memory. Try to increase the size of system virtual memory using bigger swap file.
2024-Jan-17 16:06:23: GPU 7 OpenCL call error -4(274)
2024-Jan-17 16:06:23: GPU 4 failed to allocate buffer for DAG though device has enough memory. Try to increase the size of system virtual memory using bigger swap file.
2024-Jan-17 16:06:23: GPU 4 OpenCL call error -4(274)

What miner are you using?

nano and srb tested

Can you post a screenshot of your worker overview screen?

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