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EVGA 10G-P5-3897-KL will not hash over 56

Hi, I was able to obtain some EVGA RTX 3080 Cards but they will not even go beyond 56MH/s. Please help as I feel in total failure being first time mining. Thank you in advance community!

Thats a light hashrate version. You can’t get 100MH on the new GPUs, they are limited.
YouTube. NBMiner light hashrate and watch some videos.
Crazy how people buy these things without doing any research…

Thanks for the feedback. I’m hoping someone out there might have the work around for LHR beside NBMiner but will keep researching.
Yes, for those new ones going to do mining. Pls. Do your research and don’t rush as I did. Lesson learned.

Hi, this is an update for those with same issue. I was able to use Hiveos where able to get 70 MH and I think is better than 49-50 or nothing especially with GPU shortage at a reasonable price.
Created new Flight Sheet, set the wallet, select the Pool (I used Hiveon) and select nbminer. At nbminer, you can set the settings manually but I left default using the latest NBMiner. Apply and have fun mining.

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Hey I’m getting this card soon from EVGA directly from their q system this is my second one but this one is lhr limited I heard you’re able to get even 75 mhs’s were you able to acquire that yourself? and how is the card doing for you now? Do you think it’s worth almost $1,000 is damn near LOL SMH ftw?

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