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ETH not receive in my wallet (Coinbase)

Hello there, i have a problem.
i use a mining rig for eth since 2 months. payout is every 0.1 eth. it worked perfect until the last two times.
when i reach 0.1 HiveOs payout to my wallet. even i receive coinbase confirmation mail and push notification that eth is received. but when i check my wallet. its not there.

i contacted already coinbase and they say they never had this issue. So what can i do? anyone else had this problem before?

Assuming you are mining on Hive, start with the following:

Go to Hive Pool and put in your address:

Then select the “Payouts” Tab.

You should see the Time/Date, Total, ETH Transaction, and Status.

This should help you track forward.

Is Coinbase one of those services which changes/adds wallets on occasion, yet still has them associated in your accounts?


Thanks for answer, i also checked payouts already and sent the info to coinbase. Yea exactly coinbase change adress everytime but the old remains.

I found already the issue. Eth received and is in my wallet, just the app not updated the history somehow…

pouvez-vous m’aider car j’ai le paiement qui est au dessus de 0,1 mais il ne se déclenche pas, comment je peux y remédier ?

Merci de votre aide

What gwei you set in the payout settings? If its to low it could take long time. I set mine to 55 sonetines it took 2 days and done

Je mine de l’ETH et il doit effectuer le virement systématique au dessus de 0,1. Mais il ne fait plus le virement.

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