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Etash Mining Efficiency

Are there any efficiency charts to understand how we do? Im new to mining doing 511 Mh/s stable at 1180 watts (measured by energy meters in the plug) Mining in teamredminer/hiveos/Flex pool/ AMD Power Color Cards. Needs to understand is there a window for further improvements.

you’ll want to optimize each card individually, looking at it at a rig perspective wont help you much. fine tune each card, make sure each is running the max memory, at the lowest core that supports the highest hashrate at the lowest voltages that support that core and memory clocks.

[quote=“sumradw, post:3, topic:64747, full:true”]
I have exact identical cards behaving different ways in my rigs. Same model same maker, but behave differently to the same OC settings. In 6800XT pair, one card go beyond 60.5 Mh/s without giving invalid shares and other card with same settings does 62.2 for around for 96 watts without a problem. And I have another pair of same model 6700 XT and one is doing 90W for 46.4Mh/s and other cant go below 117W as low voltage drops the wattage to down and watchdog restart the rig.

Do you think even the same models could act differently ? purchased within a month gap only.

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