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Error Invalid Credentials?

Hello, every week or two my rigs disconnect from the farm. It says invalid credentials? Can anyone help? Create new farm and connect again.

run firstrun -f then use the rig id and password from your settings

The old data cannot be connected, I create new ones every time

Are you sure youre entering the correct info? It is case sensitive and sometimes I and L can look similar. Best to copy and paste while using web shell to avoid issues

Yes, info is corect, when I write Rig ID accept and password, after thath text me, cant connect Rig. Create new Rig ID and password and connect. Yesterday i change server for hiveos to other there. I Will try it.

Make sure you have a good connection with net-test

Yes, i have 1Gbps Fiber

I mean to hive servers

They all stopped again and the same error again. I changed the server to another one and they stop again. Any solution?

When it shows invalid credentials, what does net-test show?