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Error gpu AMD

Hello guys. Does anybody knows how to resolve this issue? I think is about the updates. But I try to downgrade and sometimes works. But after It all backs to this error. 1 of them is dead

Thank for the help

Figure out which gpu is having issues, test it by itself and make sure the riser and cables are all working, you can also swap cards around and see if the error follows the card or the slot/riser/cables


Thanks for the reply, I don’t think the problem is from the hardware… because some times works and other’s don’t, I think the new updates may have something to do, I can’t downgrade (don’t know why)

Here are some picks of the configs

Software updates shouldn’t have any impact on a single card not being recognized, but you’re welcome to try reflating the latest stable image by running hive-replace -s

If that doesn’t solve your issue try what I said above

It’s quite strange. After a series of shut down. The card star work again. Let’s see if it stays that way. If not I will try that. Thank you Keaton

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