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ERROR: connection to API server failed Please Help

Hey guys, a few months ago I started mining at my home. Everything worked great there. Now I moved my miner to another place with a newer router and tried to set it up again (reset boot device) However, here I get this error message (see screenshot). What can i do?
I already checked the LAN cable and it works on other devices. Also i tried to reboot and plug in and out several times.
When Hiveos is booting i get a FAILED in Load Kernal Modules
Also it says “Network is offline, check your internet connection” while starting
it says that it has no carrier when booted

when i try to do net-test i get the same what the person got in this post (Error: connection to api server failed - #3 by stasevich)
also when i do dnscrypt -i i get the failure you can see in that post.
Unfortunately nobody answers in that post :frowning:

Can you post your net-test results here?

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I have not take a picture put i know what it said.
[PING] Gateway [FAIL] Check your router and physical connection
[PING] [FAIL] Check your firewall rules or connection settings
[PING] [FAIL] Check your firewall rules or connection settings
for every other ping to hiveos it said also [FAIL] Check DNS or connection settings

I hope that helps to understand for you

Are you sure it’s connected to your router? Cable known good? Lights on the nic blinking?

Im sure that that Lan cable funcions. I tested the cable on other device and it worked. Which lights should blink when its active?

Is this the same setup that was previously working?

Nah i dont have this lights on my mainboard.

I would try another motherboard or you can always get a cheap usb ethernet adapter or wifi adapter and try that.