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Elliotcoin - ccminer

i am trying to configure ccminer in my wallet to mine elliotcoin. im struggling. i basically want to run cc miner with the following command line:
-a xevan -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOURWALLETADDRESS.rigname -p c=ELLI

how can i do this?

do i need to select something in the “hash algorithm” box?

select fork - xevan
select algo - xevan

so fork - xevan, algo - xevan (AmsterdamCoin Bitsend)

and then wallet and worker template - -a xevan -o stratum+tcp:// WALLET.WORKER -p c=ELLI

and leave the rest blank?

Miner Fork - xevan
Hash algorithm - xevan (AmsterdamCoin Bitsend)
Wallet and worker template - %DWAL% (your wallet address from %DWAL% field) or %DWAL%.%WORKER_NAME% (if want to see your rig name at stats)
Pool URL - stratum+tcp://
Pass: c=ELLI

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no pool i visited had help for hive os. only the config line for ccminer from windows. and google searching elliotcoin hiveOS, or ccminer xevan HiveOS did not yield any results at all. ty for the help though its working now :slight_smile:

i had c=ELLI as a parameter instead of as a password was the issue