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Dual Mining TON+ETH

why all my rigs (three of them) detected lol miner hashrate evry 02.00 am. it’s been 4 days. only if i use eth + ton lolminer 1.43 or 1.44. but if use only eth (t-rex) is no poblem. please help. its killing me.Today I waited until 02.00 to see for myself.

thx so much, is it work for rx580 8gb?

rx580 msı 32 mh - 772 mh eth ton 90watt very good

OC for TRM (Dual mine ETH+TON)

HiveOS Flight sheet (Dual mine ETH+TON)

TRM Configuration


Does anyone use Gminer?

1 Like

3070 and RX 6600 love dual mining

All ur 3070 memory settings are different. Make them all 2600 mem.

Trying dual mining with NVIDIA+AMD, but it’s not recognizing AMD for TON. Any thoughts?

What miner/config?

did you fix this? its still good with dual mining,any issue with that? or 1coin better than 2coin

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