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Dual Mining Ethereum (ETH) and TONCOIN (TON)


I have done review of oc settings and I use core 1800 vdd 750 mem 1050 on RX6600XT and it does not want to boot it.

Is there an issue if I try to use HiveOS pool on ETH and other for TON?

Looks like my USB wasn’t quite working. Changed to 64 from 16GB for better quality one and got it finally working. But new development.

See below screenshots from two OC setups. I got no difference in MH on TON either way but the lower one saves me 250W at the wall. I do not mind higher power consumption as long I actually get something back.

I see people getting 1.3GH on one card. How?

My 6600xt is on windows but had the same issue as you where i only got 400mhs for ton… for some reason the card wasn’t pulling much power (90w) and now its back up at 1600mhs for ton and 120w

I restarted my pc and it was solved, i think my card was somehow power limited

You should be getting 32mh eth and 1600mh ton with these settings


Hmmm interesting.

Does it mean it does not take live settings change? Weird… Each video I watched people had high numbers of the mark.

I wonder if I set high to take it from reboot. I will have to do it later.

I just realised I need to add RVN on CPU as extra miner(since I got no change on Watts) and that rig will be set fine.


what pool are you using? I’m using whale pool, and you have to use their telegram channel to start getting rewards

I did that and activated all. It finally kicked in with all needed. Still dont get it how I can get higher hash rate on them. :face_with_head_bandage::thinking:

I do wonder as the reduced settings with 2.3GH and minimal increase of heat and noise it seems to generating more value for £££ them heat the rig with higher memory MHz and try to get it to higher earning but bigger cost due to electricity useage.

I might be doing something wrong with calc.

Still got looooaaads to learn.:see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

Try this? I got it stable. There’s still potential to raise the core OC

there’s potential to increase your ETH hashrate while maintaining your power draw:

How long u run this setting ?

Could have pushed 6900XT to >4GH but was too hot for my liking

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Around a week

Better OC I’m interested too :slight_smile:

lolminer 1.44

Thanks for sharing this. I went ahead and tried your specs. Fantastic results. I wish I could push the TON’s up to 4 GH/s for each XT’s but how do I go about that without justifying ETH’s hashrate?

Here’s what I was able to do with ETH+TON while running TRM…

OC for TRM (Dual mine ETH+TON)

HiveOS Flight sheet (Dual mine ETH+TON)

TRM Configuration

massive power usage tho

You don’t have to use all that manual config when hive has native dual mining support

Agreed. If I reduce power the hashing for TON drops considerably. Luckily I’m not paying for electricity at this apartment condo that I live in. Any suggestions?

Initially I’ve tried the built-in dual on Hive but it wouldn’t hash for TON while only ETH would work and ended up w N/A symbol next to TON.

Actually doing it this way works fine for LoLMiner but not TRM. I gained about 3 extra GH/s using TRM and ETH stays the same if not less. Just barely.

Unless I’m missing your point?

Btw I managed to squeeze out a little extra hashing power for TON…

You have to make sure your using the correct address with port and all that to use the global callback %xyz% values. Simplifies things for multiple rigs instead of having to do all the config manually