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Dual Mining ETH & RVN With NON-LHR card

Is anyone dual mining ETH & RVN using T-Rex (NON-LHR) or Teamredminer in HiveOS? If so, can you please share the config? I have checked the usual sources and the only items I have found are for LHR cards.
Thanks in advance.

Setup is the same for lhr/nonlhr. Although running a less profitable ravencoin at the cost of eth isn’t worth doing right now.

Thank you for the response and the information about the loss of revenue. I have it setup this way and I get no hash value for RVN.

“coin”: “%COIN%” “gpu-report-interval”: 5 “mt”: “0,0,1” “dual-algo”: “KAWPOW” “dual-algo-mode”: “a12” “url2”: “stratum+tcp://” “user2”: “Wallet_Address.Worker_Name” “pass2”: “x”

Use the drop down boxes in the flight sheet instead to configure. No need to manually put any config for dual mining when it’s built in.

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