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Dose HiveOS have a gpu time out setting(s) (equivalent to win's TdrDelay setting)?

Hello All, I was wonding if HiveOS has any equivalent setting/enviroment variable to window’s ‘TdrDelay’ setting? Or is there any way to adjust the time out setting before a hung gpu is detected?


Have you checked out the Watchdog feature in HiveOS?

hey thanks for the reply, yea, i saw that but i wasn’t sure if that was the same thing as TdrDelay. Correct me if i’m wrong but that’s more of a watcher that says “oh… looks like the a gpu crashed maybe i’ll restart the miner” where windows “TdrDelay” says something to the effect of “gpu is not responding and it’s been ‘X’ amount of time I’ll notify the other part of the OS and tell it the gpu driver crashed and have it reset”. When I’ve been mining with windows changing the value of TdrDelay to something bigger than defualt (which is 2 -whatever time units-) helped increase rig stability. I have one rig with 6 5700xt’s that seems to reboot itself 1-3 times a day so i was looking to see if hive offers any other options for rig stability than watchdogs and lowering OC settings.

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