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DNS Issue - Rig cannot connect to internet

Hi everyone,

My rig wont connect to the pool. Even during setup I says:

No connection to the internet

So I tried ran net-test I got:

[FAIL] Check DNS or connection settings Or try Dnscrypt -i

Basically none of the hive servers could be reached.

I tried ping which works just fine.

So I ran the Dndscrypt -i command and it basically seemed to work fine but the last log is DNScrypt state: MISCONFIGURED

I reflashed my mSATA harddrive, changed ports on the router, exchanged eth cables, but the issue remains there.

P.S. I have several workers on the same internet line, so its definitely not a connection issue.

Any idea on further steps I could take?

I am facing this exact problem with my mining rig. Did you ever get the solution to this?

Currently I have the same issue

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