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Disapearing radeon cards?

I have a mixed rig with:
4 rtx3080
1 rx560 4gb
2x rx6600

I install brand new hiveos (beta, cause stable does this problem from the beggining)
one of the rx6600 shows bad bios and cant mine
Update and rebooth everything works fine.
Set OC and smooth
Rebooth again… one rx6600 is missing, does not show.

What can i do? why it doesnt show up?

Bad “bios” can be a number of things, including cable issues, riser, power, etc., in addition to an unrecognized BIOS. This should not be a problem running the latest Hive Stable image.

7 GPUs can be dicey for lots of motherboards with each reboot. Are you sure you have all the PCI lane, memory, and power issues worked out already?

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