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Default Global Overclocking profile

Perhaps a silly question but when I click on the HiveOS icon and see a list of my Farms (only one currently) and click on “Overclocking Templates” I have a “Default Config” I created, selected AMD on the slider and simply set Fans @ 65 before saving

My question is… if I hit Edit it opens and defaults back to NVIDIA on the slider. More so just straight up annoying unless you’re running NVIDIA cards I guess.

Personally I don’t understand why the slider doesn’t default to a center (neutral or default) and then saves either AMD or NVIDIA when you save it.

Perhaps this leads to a 2nd question… Why would you even have an either / or Global Default across and entire farm?

That default config doesn’t care if you have any cards installed, it’s just a blanket setting for new cards. How often are you changing the default settings for your entire farm that it’s annoying to you?

Just learning the software and don’t really understand its purpose here. Only have one system in the farm.

It’s purpose is to set alternate default clocks instead of having cards come online with no clocks set.

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