A power surge killed my motherboard and processor in my 7 card 3080 rig.
I bought a new motherboard and processor, and have installed them. I have made no other hardware changes (cards are even still plugged into the same motherboard slot).
When booting HiveOs, it tells me that I have no miner config and that it couldn’t connect to api server (http://api.hiveos.farm).
I do firstrun -f, it asks for rig id and pw, asks if I want to set the rig password (all like usual) and then says :
Sending Hello
ERROR: connection to API server failed (http://api.hiveos.farm)
CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST (6) Couldn’t resolve host. The given remote host was not resolved.
Will try again in 60s
Sorry, id and password did not work.
I read a forum post and checked both that the ethernet port is detected in hive, and that the rig has been assigned an IP address (e.g. it is connected?)
I’m in over my head here, and could really use some help.
Do I just need to reformat my SSD since it may have had data damaged during the surge?
Thanks everybody,