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CTRL + a a How to enter the 3 miner? ;-)

O.K. it is not such serious Problem.
However it is the first time that i am very happy that i can add a second miner.
I have 8 GB and 4 GB cards so i can mine ETC at the 8GB and ETH on the 4GB cards without taking the 4GB out an put them in another rack. Thank you for that!

However as i was playing arround i add a third miner and i could not see this miner by pressing CTRL a+a+a. Did i miss something?


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Try Ctrl a <num>
where <num> is miner number 1 2 3 etc
so you should use
for miner 1 - Ctrl a 1
for miner 2 - Ctrl a 2
for miner 3 - Ctrl a 3
and so on


Hi Halo Genius,

yep that works.

Thank you. :+1:


Hi HaloGenius,

This doesn’t seem to work for me when I am looking at the console through Shellinabox. Do you know if there’s another way to see the 3rd miner in this situation?

There doesn’t seem to be much documentation on this around


Ctrl + A < miner number >
Ctrl + A 3 in your case
Ctrl + A A shift to next miner also

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Ok so I feel like a bit of an idiot, cause I was pressing them all at the same time instead of doing it in 2 steps :sweat_smile:

It does indeed work

Sorry to waste your time and thanks for the help :pray:

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If i open a miner in a terminal ctrl+a+3 doesnt work for me too.

Its possible to open a miner like on startup of hiveos?

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