I see some users want to use CryptoDredge miner with HiveOS, although Hive devs have developed the custom miner integration, however for this miner all that effort is not needed and getting it to work is much simpler as its a ccminer fork and offers API ports for the stats. It already slots right in with all the other Hive stat feedback scripts, with an exception. This miner doesnt take json config, and for all ccminer forks, hiveos creates a json file. So here is what i’ve done to get it to work.
Login to SSH console, and use wget/curl to download this file to your hiveos /home/user dir.
install some required libraries
apt-get install libc-ares2
Uncompress using
tar -xzvf CryptoDredge_0.1.tgz
move the contents to /hive/ccminer/ bby using
mv /home/user/CryptoDredge/* /hive/ccminer/
from the SSH console,
cd /hive/ccminer
then typeln -nsf ./CryptoDredge_launcher.sh ccminer-suprminer
Now you you’ve disguised CryptoCredge as ccminer-suprminer, select it in your wallet and go about your business as you would with any ccminer fork.
If you’ve found this helpful, do not forget to compliment my efforts with your donation to the following addresses:
ETH: 0xc5a1Cb7Ae2c3f7C85e8FfeB849BA085DC5967c66