Hello, i’m using hive for few months just for fun and everytime i change flightsheet from rvn to anything he crash like this, every time…
can’t remote reboot.
not wifi, changed few cables just to make sure.
swapped the A2000 with the 3070 too didn’t help.
no OC, 50 PL A2000, 150 PL 3070.
Connect a display and see whats going on, is it locking up, Losing network connection or Turning off?
You can run net-test
from the rig when it shows offline to see if it’s a network related issue.
the system is frozen on the miner.
no error or something else…
How much ram? What cpu/motherboard/bios settings?
8GB ram, Celeron G4900, TB360-BTC PRO,idk how to check…
try other algos like etc or xelis. remove PL and set core clock only for now