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Crashing rig

my rig keeps crashing any ideas. I updated to the stable image. My nvidia cards are updated also. I even deleted the rig reinstalled new software and new rig

some one was helping me here but I hate to keep asking him :slight_smile: this been ongoing for 2 weeks im not sure if my OC settings is no good

Not enough details on the “crash” symptoms: does the rig freeze, have to be powered off and back on, are there specific errors shown on the interface, have you enabled logging?

3090’s pull lots of power, post your power scenario as too many times we find issues in that area.

Post a snapshot of this data, the miner(version), etc.

here is snapshot of my data.

Overclocking on the 3090 are in normal ranges, but GPU3 seems to have been an issue on the last error. Interesting it is running higher core, with a lower power limit(not sure why you’d bother with a power limit on a locked core and memory value).

Have you checked for a bad PCI to riser path with this command from the shell:
nvidia-smi dmon -s et -d 10 -o DT

i ran the code what I’m looking at exactly ?

GPUO and GPU1 at some point had some errors on the PCI bus. These tend to be riser issues, but can be overclocking settings too. If they are no longer incrementing. I’d ignore the few there.

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