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Connection problem during mining


I have a strange problem with my AMD Cards. Some time ago I needed to change base of my rig (CPU, motherboard etc.) In that rig I have 3 cards: 1 rtx 3060, and 2 rx5700xt with moded bios. Few days after change everything was ok - no any problem. But one day my rig start hit some connection problems.

After investigation it turned out that there is problem with amd cards. When im mining with both cards after generating DAG my ping jump from 30 to 1500ms, sometimes 15000ms and then totally lost connection with net. When im disabling mining with gpu 1 (team red miner) then everything go back to normal…

I’ve tried flash OS but after few minutes of stable working the problem turn againg…

What pool and server?

Got similar pb with Ethermine and AMD rigs

If you’re in same case, focus on Ethermine for being guilty

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