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CMP 90hx

Hi there,

I have 4 Rigs with 6 CMP90hx GPUs each. 3 rigs are more less stable after overclocking GPUs to reach ~98mh each. But GPUs on 1 rig work with factory settings only (blank/zero core clock and memory) and crashes once I try to overclock any of GPU on this Rig. What could be the reason?


is it thermal throttling? you should really min/max the core clock and memory clocks. no OC isnt good for mining.

Hi @teymurmusayev,

Hope you are well. I have a 4card 90Hx server, however, none of my cards are reaching 98MH/s. Could you please provide me with your overclock settings if possible. Thank you. It would be appreciated.

Min/max your core and mem clocks. Don’t use other cards ocs as they won’t be best for your cards.

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