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Changing frequencies by time in the "schedule" does not work

Has anyone used the schedule in have by setting up overclocking profiles by time in the “schedule” section?
I remember doing it on the red ones - it worked
I set it on the green ones, everything seems to be as it should be, but the settings are not executed… For example, the commands for disabling (by time) work, but for some reason overclocking doesn’t work. I tried T-rex and gminer. RTX3070M cards

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does your activity log show it being executed? also do you have auto select algo on or off?

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Yes, of course, all inclusive.

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With all this, the second farm with the same cards and miner works correctly. If you add the “problem” farm to the work schedule, it still does not change frequencies/overclocking at the specified time.

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what image/kernel are you on for the machine(s) that aren’t changing correctly?

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previously there was 06-222@xxxxxx-version

Then updated to 0.6-229@250225 - without result.
The drivers on both farms are the same - N 525.116.04.

Try flashing the latest stable image, if that driver came with the image youre on a pretty old image

so I wrote above that I have the latest update. At the same time, on an older image on another farm everything works.

latest stable image should have this kernel, the OS update you shared can be used on older images also, which still leaves you on the old image/kernel/driver.

Problem solved.

It turns out that you can’t use spaces in the tag name. I figured it out by trial and error :slight_smile:
The kernel version has nothing to do with it, of course.

Always good practice to flash the latest stable image when running into weird issues though, one command and can save much time troubleshooting. Glad you figured it out though, you still will benefit from the newer drivers bought as 525.xx had some issues with some miners.