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Change to Adding a Worker - Please Help!

I’m a noob. I know.

HiveOS just changed how you add a worker. I’ve downloaded the image, flashed a USB, and added the config file for the rig. But now I’m supposed to do something extra???

I’ve attached a screenshot. I’m lost. How do I do this? Please help a noob get back online and mining.

There’s nothing in the “Knowledge Base” about it. It hasn’t been updated, as far as I can tell.

Small update. I switched from USB to SSD.


I tried a different motherboard with both USB and SSD.


Everything was wonderful, guys. WHY oh WHY did you change?

I’m new to mining. I had two rigs up. I took one rig down to add two new cards. At some point, while the rigs were up and running, you made the change. The rig never came back up. I swapped out the motherboard, deleted the worker from HIVEOS, and that’s when I realized you changed things – when I tried to add a new worker.

Nothing was broke, everything was wonderful. You changed the way we add workers, and now I’m screwed. Nothing will come up with the changes you’ve made.

It’s essential that we can choose which image to use. Prior to the change, I was having trouble with my LAN connection and had to use the beta image. The beta worked beautifully. I don’t even have access to the beta now.

Regardless, the rig won’t come up following the instructions on HIVE (to the letter, BTW).

Please help!

Just trying to add a new worker myself and getting the same . This sucks.

Thank you for chiming in, @Swifty. Yeah, there’s an issue here. I hope someone can help with a solution.


I didn’t trust my ethernet cable. I bought a new ethernet cable, plugged it in, and am now trying again to bring up my rig. I followed the instructions to the letter, but I don’t think it’s going to come up.

HiveOS support, can we get a helping hand here???

Hey, @Swifty. . . I believe I found the problem (my problem at least).

Although my rig was up previously and would not come back online after the HiveOS changes to adding a rig. I retried with SATA instead of USB, and the rig came up!

But check this out:

You have to ensure that EUFI is disabled for everything in the rig’s BIOS, including the LAN or Network adapter. Just disable them all.

After that (and only if available), set everything to “Legacy”. You may have to turn on CSM, which is a compatibility protocol.

I had a selection of EUFI options along with a parallel selection of standard options (non EUFI). I turned on CSM and disabled all EUFI. . . The rig come up.

Good luck!

Here’s a link that should help. Most of it is in Russian, but it helped me:

HiveOS has been 100% across my wide mix of motherboards, vintage 2011 to 2021.

Getting the individual brands of boards and BIOS to do their job in finding the correct partition of (3), booting from non-Windows OS, etc., does require some effort.

To date, I have not had to change HiveOS or miner config files in my USB 3.1 based swaps between boards when I set up the BIOS correctly. Some boards have been quite the pain.

For the record, HiveOS support is great. I created a ticket, and they got right back to me. But I had already solved the problem.

I apologized for flying off the handle. And I apologize again. You’re right. Some boards are a pain. And I just happen to have a pain board. But I am over the moon with my second rig up. HiveOS rocks!

Thanks, everyone.

Can we close this topic as answered? I don’t see an option anywhere.

It will get deprecated automatically, eventually.

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