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Card display problem

Hello I have a display problem on my card list.

I have this config:

And when it work it shows very bad. 1050ti doesn’t show mh/s and the card that are down move up their mh/s

Is a config problem?
How can i solve it?


The problem is that:

The mining speed of card (mh/s) 1 isn’t showed. The others cards speed (mh/s) are moved and start in card 1

If you check card section of my farm. Displays bad. Says that all are mining ethereum and the power are bad too:

I don’t know how to solve my problem

I have updated to 0.6-203@210414 (thanks for that update) that said " * Fixed some stats issues on some miners (T-Rex, TT-Miner)"

It has improved. But the 1050ti, in the summary must be shown in GPU 1 (rvn) and is shown in GPU0.

The speed of the card(mh/s) is showed baddly too.

If you check T-T-Miner log, get GPU Number OK:


Other issue is that in the farm view:

It said that 1 card is off, but if you enter in the detail, it look good:


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