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Can't get HiveOS to recognize an individual RX580. Tried almost anything. "failed to recognize GPU init"

I’m a fairly new miner and decided to use HiveOS on my first rig for it’s new user-friendly usage. The card I can’t get recognized is an individual card. Let’s call it A and let’s call a working card B.

  1. First boot, A doesn’t work. After a couple of reboots, i still can’t get it recognized. A prominent error I see everytime I boot up is “failed to recognize GPU init” checked the linux forums but can’t find a conclusion.

  2. Swapped the A and B’s support units completely (risers, power cables etc.) B still works and A still doesn’t work.

  3. Changed A’s overclock settings to be on the safe side. Nope.

  4. Motherboard slots are working.

  5. Tried to boot up with a HDMI cable plugged to a GPU instead of CPU graphics. Nope.

  6. Tried to boot up with no monitor and without using CPU graphics.

  7. Tried Gen2 PCIe slots, working fine for 4 RX580’s and 1 RX570. Haven’t tried Gen1 or else.

I’d really want to provide linux command outputs, but I don’t know how to navigate around the linux terminal. As I said, one of the most prominent one was “failed to recognize GPU init” . This occured whenever I plugged A into the PCIe slot.

At this point I’m severely out of ideas, every trial and error idea and every solution is greatly appreciated. Here’s my hardware:

GPU’s : RX570 , 5 RX580 (A is a RX580)

Motherboard : ASUS STRIX H270F

PSU : 1200W platinum plus full modular PSU

RAM : 8GB 2100 MHz

General overclocks for cards : Core (1175) , Mem (2155) , mV (850)

If you can get a terminal opened. type dmesg and copy and paste the output

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