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Can't boot with 6 GPU

Hi, I need your help :open_mouth:
I have a problem with rig, in fact when I plug my last GPU on my MB either my HiveOs doesn’t boot or
I see my last GPU (At the 6th position) like that →

I can not do anything …

I’ve already done all of this →

This is my MB: H110-D3A-CF with the latest Bios

Any idea ?
Thanks :slight_smile:

GPU is not fully identified by HiveOS. Typically risers, 1x/4x adapter, USB cable, power suppliers or an old Kernel.

Are you on the latest Hive Kernel and included drivers as listed at the bottom?

Image 12-27-21 at 5.04 PM

PS: Have an H110 chipset board, they are fun but extra work in the BIOS in my experience.

I have this kernel

PS : I already tried another risers …

It’s nearly always a comms issue. Kernel and drivers are fine for that GPU so, recheck and double check risers, adapters, cables, splitters, and power.

What does the rest of the rig look like?
Does your board have connections to power the PCI bus? Mine has 2x Molex ports for this requirement.

The rest of my rig looks good

It’s just my 6th PCI-E port doesn’t work whatever the GPU plugged in … My gpu is displayed like the picture in my first message

Do you use the 2 molex ? Because i know people, they don’t use it, and it’s work

Absolutely. The board engineers put them there for a reason and the reason was enough to add to the cost of goods and lower profit margins. Power them up.

You can find a few other posts with the same situation and it was resolved with powering the molex ports.

fwiw: If your board also has a SATA power port, that is for the SATA peripherals. I do not use any of those and do not provide additional power to that bus.

To be sure, i need to power them ?


So, i just need to power my molex, and it’s ok ?

There can always be other issues, but yes, provide power to the PCI bus to eliminate it from the long list of potential issues.

Try the device by itself, directly on the board to test first, does it work as expected?

So i try many things … I think my 3060ti is out of order. I put my 3060ti on my desktop PC, and it doesn’t work

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