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Can I limit hashrate in HiveOS? (NBMiner)

Im using NBMiner and I would like to know if its possible with a flag or someway to limit the hashrate of my gpu. I would like to limit my 3080 to 89Mh so I can control the temps when day its hot.
Thank you

what clocks and power are you currently running?

I use -400 1600 219 at night with fan at 82. 96Mh
And use -400 400 219 during the day with fun at 92. 89Mh

how much power is it drawing? you should be using locked core clocks instead of offsets. likely wasting power and making more heat your way.

Is always at 218-219w.
436 eff/watt

switch to a locked core clock and use the core clock to limit power instead of a power limit

I think I dont get it all.
U want me to update it to CC1050 MC400 PL0?

whatever core clock you find works best for your results you want, but yeah basically.

I have tested it and works fine, even it reduces power consumtion and temperature.
Thank you

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One more question, do u have any other recommendation for another rig with 2 3080 LHR?
Have low MHs and low temperature. Maybe I could make them work better.

Trex miner and 1200 core/ as high as the memory is stable
Here’s one of mine, currently dual mining eth+alph so power draw is a decent amount higher than eth alone.

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