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BTC-D37 Board No Boot with 8th Card

I’m not sure where else to go for help. The rig will boot and run fine with 7 cards, but when 8th card is installed it will not boot at all.

All of the cards are Evga 1080TI FTW3, with a 3600Watt PSU on a BTC-D37 4bg RAM and USB boot.

I tested cards etc all is fine. I can run 7 cards while one is in the 8th slot and it works fine. I alternated the cards some and it still worked fine, however with 7 cards or less.

The moment I drop in an eighth card the system does not boot at all, it acts like a brick, no POST test no beeps, not even LAN blinking for a network boot.

No risers or anything… I also tried removing power from the 8th card but leaving the card in the PCI slot, however even having the 8th card in the PCI slot will keep the rig from booting.

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