I’m having trouble in one of my rigs this is appearing this message can someone help me
I’m having trouble in one of my rigs this is appearing this message can someone help me
When I follow the directions to push the hiveos to a ssd, the ssd, seems to take the image. This is from windows 10. But when I boot from the ssd, nothing, goes to system bios, no image
Any ideas.
I used Biostar TB250-BTC, when i set CSM to enable, my monitor off.
when CSM set to disable, usb drive didn’t detected, just UEFI Usb. how to fixed this problem ?
Because default video output on integrated video.
First of all, you should change init first display ot PEG , and plug monitor to x16 port card, then enable CSM. Working like a charm.
Система вошла в однопользовательский режим по причине выхода из строя файловой системы. Или лечить ФС (на скрине даже подсказка команды: fsck -y /dev/sda2) или накатать образ заново
My rig wont Start. I get this message.
I cant boot the rig, I cant repair the flash drive, I tried fsck, I cant Reflash it (cause is in read only write protected mode) I could just flash a new drive but It can happen it again. Someone can help me to fix it?
The system entered to single-user mode due failure of the file system (FS).
You can try to recover FS or flashed image again to USB stick
To recover FS enter at command prompt:
fsck -y /dev/sda2
If USB-stick is damaged better solution could be flash image again to new one
Hi HaloGenius, I did try to use fsck command but the USB stick is write protected. I tried to reflash and the same.
I tried to change the read only value on windows but didnt work. Do you have other solution for reflash or fix the USB-stick?
Sometimes USB stick lock-ups by his controller. Yes it’s USB stick bug but sometimes shit happens. Back to life is possible with special tool(s) from vendor of USB stick controller (not flash drive vendor).
If you don’t know how to do it then better and quickly solution is change to new USB stick.
first time boot on hive-0.5-32-20180228, got emergency mode: /bin/plymouth not found.
Hi Guys, Having issue with booting. see below
After this black screen nothing happening, any ideas?
ребята, проблема с загрузкой. Смотри ниже
После этого черноый экранн. ничего не происходит, помогите!?
Добрый день!
Установил 1риг с hiveOS все замечательно работает, (флешка 2.0 8гигов мать - ASUS STRIX B350-F GAMING rx580 6шт.)
Моя проблема: Пытаюсь установить hiveos на 2ой риг (флешка 2.0 8гигов мать - ASRock H110 Pro BTC+ rx480 4шт + gtx1070 4шт.) и выдает вот такую ошибку в самом начале
не понравилась ему флешка - перезапишите образ и/или смените флешку.
[quote=“Saiyler;2444”]Добрый день!
Установил 1риг с hiveOS все замечательно работает, (флешка 2.0 8гигов мать - ASUS STRIX B350-F GAMING rx580 6шт.)
Моя проблема: Пытаюсь установить hiveos на 2ой риг (флешка 2.0 8гигов мать - ASRock H110 Pro BTC+ rx480 4шт + gtx1070 4шт.) и выдает вот такую ошибку в самом начале
У меня такое было, тоже на ASRock, только другой модели. Вставьте флэшку в другой порт, пробуйте разные, пока не загрузится.
[quote=“Dubinator;2309”]Hi Guys, Having issue with booting. see below
After this black screen nothing happening, any ideas?
ребята, проблема с загрузкой. Смотри ниже
После этого черноый экранн. ничего не происходит, помогите!?
В ФАКе описано. Монитор подключили к встроенной видяхе. После старта Х-ов изображение выводится на другую видеокарту. Надо монитор подключать к карте, воткнутой в первый х16 порт.
No joy here. First tried the dd command, seemed to work fine. But the GAMING 7 mobo only sees one boot option - the UEFI partition. There is no #2.
Attempt #2, reloaded the zip, tried the dd command with bs=1024. Same result.
So I installed the HDD RAW COPY tool on a windoze box, downloaded and unzipped again. Ran the tool. All steps completed normally. EJECTED it, tried to boot the mining rig- same exact problem, it sees one partition, the EUFI.
I might try other imaging tools but I suspect since dd and HDD RAW IMAGER have identical results, no matter what I try, all this mobo will see is the UEFI.
I don’t see the legacy settings you were describing, but I don’t think they are an issue since it sees the USB stick just fine. It only ever sees the one partition however.
(From myself) “No joy here. First tried the dd command, seemed to work fine. But the GAMING 7 mobo only sees one boot option - the UEFI partition. There is no #2.”
To assist others who might have this issue- the Gigabyte GAMING mobo buried the CSM option under “Windows 10 Options”. Which seems like a poor choice, since I needed acces to that, to allow UBUNTU to boot? They should have had ENABLE CSM and UEFI options at the BOOT MENU level, not buried under windows 10 options. Why would someone trying to boot UBUNTU look under there? Goofballs.
Anyhow, now there is some joy. My HIVE is buzzing. It’s at the RIG ID prompt. Things are looking much better,
I only hope I don’t have to monkey with the bios every time I want to switch from ETHOS to HIVE?
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